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Delivery & Returns

The prices are stated in Danish kroner incl. VAT. The price for shipping is added to the price of the item. You choose shipping form at the end of the payment process.

Shipping prices when ordering items at Everlast® Nordic's webshop:

  • PostNord Package Shop, GLS Package Shop or GLS Delivery to Company Address: DKK 49.00 - FREE DELIVERY AT PURCHASE OVER DKK 599.00
  • PostNord Delivery to Private Address: DKK 79.00

EVERLAST® Nordic strives to ship orders as soon as possible and we try to deliver under normal circumstances for 1-3 days after your purchase, however, longer delivery time can be experienced during holiday periods or around holidays. If the unlucky should happen that the delivery time exceeds 30 days, you can cancel your order.

The item will be delivered with GLS or PostNord - depending on what you choose.

We deliver to Denmark with the exception of Greenland and the Faroe Islands. We deliver to private and company addresses, as well as parcel shops.

EVERLAST® Nordic is not obliged to deliver items that are sold out from stock.

We reserve the right to cancel the purchase agreement in one of the following situations, without being responsible for compensation or other costs:

  • Your payment information is not correct or cannot be verified
  • Your order is placed for the purpose of committing fraud, etc. or released in connection with a criminal offense or other illegal activity
  • An unintended error occurs on the website, e.g. a payment error or similar


Cancellation right

The right of withdrawal only applies to private consumers, and you have the right to undo an agreement within 30 days of the day you or another person you have chosen, however, the carrier will receive the item in physical possession.

If you have ordered more items in an order and we cannot deliver the goods at the same time, the cancellation period runs from you or another person you have chosen, however, the carrier will not receive the last item in physical possession.

If the deadline expires on a public holiday, Saturday, Constitution Day, Christmas Eve or New Year's Eve, the deadline is extended to the following weekday.

How to utilize the right of withdrawal

You regret by getting us know that you regret. Notice of cancellation is sent by E-mail to You cannot regret by refusing to receive the item or by failing to pick it up without at the same time notifying that you regret. If we receive your items return without notice from you on the exercise of your right of withdrawal, we will consider the return of the goods as an exercise of the right to cancel the purchase.

The right of withdrawal is complied with if you submit unambiguous notice that you cancel the purchase before the cancellation period has expired.

Returning the item and return cost

If you cancel the purchase of an item, send the item to Contrast Company A/S, Rudolfgårdsvej 6A, 8260 Viby J, DK without undue delay and within 30 days of notifying us that you want to cancel your purchase. The deadline is complied with if you return the goods before the expiry of the 30 days.

When returning an item, you must always Attach our return note in completed condition - the return slip came with your goods when you received them. If the return note is lost, you can get a new one by contacting our customer service at

Goods cannot be shipped per. demand or without distribution.

You have to pay for the return of the goods yourself. When using the attached return label, DKK 39.00 is deducted from the purchase. 

Repayment of the money

Partial cancellation: It does not apply if you have purchased multiple items in an order and you only cancel part of your purchase. In such cases, we do not refund delivery costs.

If you have chosen a form of delivery that is more expensive than the cheapest form of delivery we offer, you will not be reimbursed.

The amount is repaid without undue delay and in any case within 14 days of the date we received notification that you are regretting. However, we can withhold the payment until we have received the goods back.

We try to complete such a refund with the same means of payment that you used in the original transaction. In any case, you are not charged with no types of fees as a result of the repayment. 


Testing the item and packaging

You are only liable for a possible. deterioration of the value of the item, which is due to handling of the item other than what is necessary to determine the nature, properties of the goods and the way it works.

You usually have to examine the item in the same way you can and must in a business, but you must not use it. Therefore, do not cut price tags, labels and the like. The item must be returned in original packaging. If you have used it in a way that you must not or can not in a business and we cannot sell it again, or cannot sell it at full price again, you have to count on us deducting the impairment in that amount, You must have back. If the item no longer has a trade value, we will not refund the purchase amount.

You should also make sure that the item is properly wrapped when returning it. You bear the risk of the package/goods until we receive it. Therefore, save a postal receipt and any. Track and Trace Number.


Complaint - If there is something wrong with the item

If there is a defect in a product, such as a material or manufacturing error, the rules of the Purchase Act apply.

You can advertise defects in the item within 24 months from the time of delivery by contacting us at

We ask you to disclose as detailed as possible what the problem is. Use our return slip and specify the complaint in the return code and send the return slip along with the item to Contrast Company A/S, Rudolfgårdsvej 6A, 8260 Viby J, Denmark. 

If the complaint is justified, we will refund your reasonable shipping costs.

If you no longer have a return slip and return label, you can contact our customer service at and get a new one sent.

Remember that the item must always be shipped in proper packaging and get a receipt for shipment. Save POST CONTRIBUTION INCLUSIONS Information on shipping costs and any. Track and Trace Number. 



If we cannot agree on the processing of the complaint, you can possibly. Submit a complaint to the Center for Complaints, Competition and Consumer Agency, Carl Jacobsens Vej 35, 2500 Valby,



EVERLAST® Nordic is not responsible for delays or lack of agreement fulfillment due to force majeure. As long as a force majeure situation exists, Everlast® Nordic is exempt from fulfilling its obligations.

EVERLAST® Nordic's liability is limited by all damages to an amount equal to the price of the item you have purchased.